Psychomuffin's Suburban Adventure

The misadventures of a domestically challenged girl and her mission to ascend to the ranks of Domestic Goddess.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Assorted Rubbish

Spent the whole day studying yesterday. And I do mean the WHOLE day. The hospitalisation of my bipolar PC has proved a blessing in disguise, I now have loads of work-hours to study because I can't do any work. I dread to think what my days will be like when it returns. Studying is not going as well as I had hoped. I had forgotten how much rubbish I had to wade through for these subjects. Todays goal: about 200 pages of material. Bugger.

After work yesterday Dman and I went to The School to attend a matric art expo. It is amazing the variety of effort. Some girls pulled out all the stops and producted the most fantastic displays. Others, traced a picture, did a paint-by-numbers and called it a day. I suspect I would have been in the latter group in high school, though I am ashamed to admit it, though I have sworn to myself  - never again. Other than that, he and I wandered around, got bored by speeches, chatted with teachers and raided the cheese section of the buffet. Mmmmm, cheese.

OMT is progressing nicely, the magazines are almost done and I suspect there will be a marked increase in productivity once that job is over with. Time is starting to run out, I suspect, (James and Mandy return from CT this week). Hopefully I can convince D to help me sort the closet this week. I went through my storage box the other day and found the most interesting collection of crap ever. I packed it directly after Christmas one year and put a bunch of presents in it that I didn't know what to do with. Here are some examples:

A set of blue cat decorations - 3 of them: small, medium, large.
An art bottle - one of those bottles with chopped chillies in.
A set of coffee scented candles.

Not from Christmas but other stuff I discovered:

A gorgeous frame given to me by Wendy - my best friend over 60. I have yet to find a picture to go in it.
My 21st key - my dad got it made out of wood and brass and engraved, it looks like a home bar decoration, and I don't have a bar so I'm not sure what to do with it.
A collage of pictures of my life assembled by my Aunty Kathy - it has meaning for me but no-one else, and is not attractive enough to hang.
A collection of Kinder Surprise toys ( these can go ).
My hat with purple hair (worn once every 3 years or so for dressup parties).
Assorted X-rays of my foot (may be important if I go in for my other foot to be done).
A photo album with pictures of a friend from high school and her horse. ( I think I'll post these to her)
Demolition Woman 2 and Buttman's Ultimate Workout ( How did these get in here? )
The cut-the-clutter books never mention what you are supposed to DO with this type of stuff. I don't have space to store it but I can't get rid of it either. Help! Any suggestions?

It's that time of the week again ( weigh-in day) so I get to see if I've lost the 300g I gained last week. This is turning out to be a real two-steps-forward-one-step-back kinda deal. I'll keep you posted.


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