Psychomuffin's Suburban Adventure

The misadventures of a domestically challenged girl and her mission to ascend to the ranks of Domestic Goddess.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Cosmic Droop and other afflictions

The General Education 102 exam yesterday went well, I may have completely screwed up the essay section ( I've never been very good at writing on the fly) but otherwise I did alright. Yet again, it took them about half an hour to hand out the papers. Look, I understand they have to open the paper packs once everyone is seated, but are you telling me noone thought of bringing a pair of sissors? Or planning how the papers would be handed out? Or quickly going over the seating arrangement yet again for those too dull to understand a seating plan? (How did these people finish high school, never mind get into Varsity, in the first place?) I was sitting next to the window again so the half hour delay gave me a chance to sun myself (more sun than I've had in the past year combined). No exam today, but 'African Languages and Worldview' tommorrow so I guess I had better learn it - grrr.

I have noticed that a certain food group is becoming my downfall - ice-cream. I had more of it yesterday. I have no doubt that I am going to discover I have put on weight this week. The insanity must end. Speaking of OBP, I had a fitness breakthrough on Friday - 15min run! I nearly killed myself but the endorphin high was great!
After chatting to my beloved last night while making dinner I have discovered that he doesn't know what OMT or OBP stand for, in case he is not the only one afflicted, here is the refresher course:
OMT = Operation Masking Tape, my plan to move in an organised fashion, incorporating clutter control..
OBP = Operstion Bench Press, the general mission to get into shape.

PC-wise, I should be getting my machine back today, praise be! But then again, HP have not been that realiable, so fingers crossed.

Emotionally, I must admit that today I am suffering from the cosmic droop. After getting some distressing news (a bit premature to share), I am questioning my plans for the next few years. I am probably overreacting completely but I've never been extremely quick to adapt to changes in The Plan. Overall, the experience has left me feeling a little out-of-sorts. More on this to follow.
Also to follow: I'm planning a new operation commencing after exams - I'll keep you posted.


At 10:12 am, Blogger D-Man said...

1st) No more Ice-creame for you.
2nd) I kew what the Acronims were for, just not what the indevidual letters stood for.

I couls have faked it you know.


At 10:18 am, Blogger D-Man said...

couls = could

Of course

At 12:30 pm, Blogger Psychomuffin said...

1) Oh no! Ah well, maybe it is for the best...
2) I know honey, I don't hold it against you.


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