Psychomuffin's Suburban Adventure

The misadventures of a domestically challenged girl and her mission to ascend to the ranks of Domestic Goddess.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Twitching Death

Well, that is the last time I write a blog saying how great my life is going. Since the last post:
1) The dog has run up the road three times to visit his girlfriend, I am losing my voice from yelling his name in a vain attempt to get him to turn around and come home without my having to walk all the way up the hill to fetch him.
2) The phone has not stopped ringing, and not good ringing like,"Good day, you have just won this month's sweepstakes", but bad ringing like,"Hello, this is Mrs. Dithers, I know you've explained a medical saings limit to me 503 times, but I still don't understand." Grrr.
3) I discovered a tutorial letter for today's exam I was supposed to learn. I haven't read it yet because of 1 and 2.
4) My office would make Angela cry. For those who don't know, Angela is a friend who is an entomologist and is also deathly afraid of cockroaches - go figure. My office is filled with the sound of twitching death - my mum let off a bug bomb under the house. The only means of escape from under the house - the gaps in the floorboards near my desk. I am armed with Raid and I take no prisoners. You have been warned.


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