Psychomuffin's Suburban Adventure

The misadventures of a domestically challenged girl and her mission to ascend to the ranks of Domestic Goddess.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Goats and greeting cards

Have you ever felt so behind with everything that every hour is just a painful attempt not to end up futher behind at the end of the day than you were at the start? My life has been like that for about a month now.

Varsity work: Has me completely swamped. The amount of work that is usually completed by a student in one year has to be completed by the beginning of April so that my lecturers can have as long a time as possible to mark assignments. They did not think that perhaps it would be more realistic to only base the assignments on what can, within reason, be completed by April. They obviously think that completing the work 6 months before prep for exams even begins is an excellent teaching strategy. So much for the ideals of continuous assessment....

Work: Is quieter I'll admit but I am trying to revamp my database at the moment. It's about 4 years old and has a lot of defunct info. Frankly, a pain in the neck. That and all the usual hassles.

Everything else: Dman and I are starting to crumble with all the outside commitments. We rarely have an hour where there isn't something we have to be doing. I have started just dealing with the stuff that needs to be done day-to-day and my grand plans for the year are taking a backseat. This is very stressful for me because I move one of two ways - forward or back. If I'm not doing something to make my life better I invariably start cheating on my diet, procrastinating and all those other evils. Bad Girl.

On the upside: I bought this very neat greeting card is soooo my bag baby! Mandy, isn't it neat?

And in other news

We went to go see Zathura over the weekend. It was fun in a very Jumanji-in-space kinda way but it had everything I needed to chill out on a Sunday: astronauts, goats, frozen teenagers. How can it not be good?


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