A Bold New Plan
Another year older and what do I have to show for it apart from a little extra padding around my waistline?
I’ve completely lost the plot as far as sorting my life out is concerned. My weight has skyrocketed to 87.9kgs! I’m horrified (not surprised though). My home is a disaster area (or at least it was until yesterday – more on that later.) I have virtually no money saved and I will be going into serious debt soon to replace my stolen car. And I am STILL behind with my varsity stuff.
Yesterday I lost it completely and went around tidying and throwing out junk. It was very cleansing. I think half of my overeating happens when I feel like I’ve lost control of my life. The moment I start doing something constructive I stop scoffing. Problem is, I tend to do an ostrich-type head in the sand thing when I start dropping the ball so I figure there’s an easy solution…don’t drop the ball.
This brings me to my new project:
The month of May will henceforth be known (to me at least) as Operation Get A Grip.
I read a little of “Getting Things Done” by David Allen over the weekend and his advice for sorting out the chaos is to get everything out of your head. He feels that a part of your brain is always processing all those undone to-do’s like “buy batteries” and “get promotion” resulting in anxiety and an inability to focus.
I’m not sure how true this is, but I’ll try anything at this point. So I started writing down all those things and, I’m shocked by the quantity. Holy Moley, no wonder I feel like I’ve lost the reins.
So back to Operation GAG – I have put together a short list of things I can do to help me feel more in control of my destiny. Check out the sidebar. I’ve also included my week’s reading. Basically, the point of OGAG is to get a good picture of what I need to do with my time / money / energy.
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