Psychomuffin's Suburban Adventure

The misadventures of a domestically challenged girl and her mission to ascend to the ranks of Domestic Goddess.

Friday, October 21, 2005

When did academia get so soppy?

Today has not been so fun so far. I have FAR to much work to do. I'm looking forward to the weekend, or at least I would be if I didn't have to study the whole time.

Anthropology went okay. Actually, I don't know why they bothered. 50 multiple choice and 5 single-sentence questions do not a paper make. I was done in 45 mins. Social Work today, another completely rubbish course. It is very mushy, all about how nice you must be to everyone no matter who they are. The book is yellow with people of different colours holding hands on the front. How cliche can you get? I'm all for spreading a little love but if they think I'm going to give wife-beaters and child-rapists 'unconditional postive regard' they have another thing coming. Who are they trying to kid? I suspect I may not do well in this exam.

In yet another fit of diet-rebellion I skipped gym yesterday. I'm just too bloody tired lately. I don't know why. I suspect my body is punishing me for all the overindulgence. I have promised myself a decent run in the gym today and a circuit. It is time I pulled myself together.


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