Psychomuffin's Suburban Adventure

The misadventures of a domestically challenged girl and her mission to ascend to the ranks of Domestic Goddess.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Bottled Sunshine

Operation Bench Press seems to be back on track...I lost 900g this week, putting me at 85kg. A definite improvement after last week's dismal showing.

I am still showing no results on OCC though, work is taking priority during the day and Dan Brown at night leaving no time for important stuff. Stephen Covey would not be impressed. I am still trying to develop some kind of framework to organise my life by, in order to catergorise my goals and plans. I have a couple of problems with the whole process though:

1. Every time I come up with a division system ( Friends and Family, Home, Money etc. ) I come up with something that doesn't fit or fits in more than one category.
2. Uncertainty in my future. A lot of my plans for the upcoming year hinge on how Darius feels about his new position at The School and this leaves me rather unsure as to what my short-term priorities should be. Basically, I'm not sure whether I should be planning for a local move and settling in for a few more years in PMB or whether I should be preparing for a job hunt and moving away.
3. I am not sure what it is I want to do in the long/medium term. I am studying, which is good but I'm not sure what I eventually want to do in the field, which is bad. This also buggers my priorities because I'm not sure what I should do now to better my chances of getting what I ultimately want, mainly because I'm not sure what that is.
4. As for career moves: Psych doesn't really have any entry-level jobs that pay enough for me to support myself on. If anyone has ideas on this, please let me know.

All of my problems seem to stem from my basic approach, which is kind of like reverse-engineering my life. I like to do things by deciding what it is I want/need and then working out a plan to get it. Nice strategy, I thought. Until I realised that I am not nearly as clear on my wants as I thought, making it really hard to formulate any kind of plan. Drat.

In other news:

Can you guess where I was at 10:30 last night? Sleeping? Reading Dan Brown? Watching TV? If you had been paying any attention to this blog you would know the answer: making a complete tit of myself by running round and round a tree in the middle of the park trying to catch my cat. Stupid cat.

I bought myself a Christmas present. It arrives in 2-5 working days. I am trying not to think about it or I won't be able to do anything else. I am SOOOOO excited.

Did I mention that I STILL haven't started learning for Psych102?

Any suggestions for a small, lightweight wedding present? My cousin is coming to SA for her wedding in December and will need to take gifts back to Ireland. Everything you can get here can be bought in Ireland, so until they learn to bottle sunshine I'm out of ideas.


At 9:07 pm, Blogger Amanda said...

How about an voucher?

At 7:40 am, Blogger Psychomuffin said...

Hmmm, seems a little impersonal. But you are on the same track I am...I was thinking of getting something shipped to her from a local ( to her ) store. I just don't know who.

At 2:08 pm, Blogger Amanda said...

Hmm, in Ireland, ja, dunno. If it was London I could help you out there... maybe ask James, him being half irish and all


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